Phone: 203 742-1450
Fairfield County Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Bridgeport

August 14, 2024

Prayer for Aging

Prayer for Aging

All Gracious God, you have given me all I am and have,
and now I give it back to you to stand under Your will alone.
In a special way, I give You these later years of my life.
I am one of those called by You into old age, a call not given to all.

Not given to Jesus, not given to most in our world today.

I humbly ask You, grace me deeply in each aspect of the struggle.
As my physical eyesight weakens,
may the eyes of my faith strengthen

that I may see You and Your love in everything.

As my hearing fails, may the ears of my heart
be more attentive to the whisper of Your gentle voice.
As my legs weaken and walking becomes more difficult,
may I walk more truly in Your paths,
knowing all the while that I am held in the embrace of Your love.

As my mind becomes less alert and memory fades
may I remain peaceful in You,
aware that with You, there is no need for thought or word.
You ask simply that I be there, with You.
And should sickness overtake me and I be confined in bed,
may I know myself as one with Your Son as he offers his life for

the salvation of the world.
Finally, as my heart slows a little after the work of the years,
may it expand in love for You and all people.
May it rest secure and grateful in Your loving Heart
until I am lost in You, completely and forever. Amen.

— Sr. Moya Hanlen


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