The New Day Ministry
Small-group Grief Support: The New Day Ministry
The New Day Ministry is a faith-based, small-group support program facilitated by trained volunteers who accompany fellow parishioners on their journey from grief to healing. This ministry is novel in two ways:
- It represents the first diocesan-wide bereavement initiative in decades and is based on the collaboration of dedicated volunteers beyond parish boundaries.
- In addition to accompanying those in grief, we strive to create a ministry that provides an opportunity for spiritual growth for our volunteer ministers.
Program Specifics
This is a structured program, which includes prayer, scripture readings, journaling, and sharing responses to directed questions in a confidential setting. It is based on The New Day Journal, by Mauryeen O’Brien, O.P., and has been used by the Archdiocese of Hartford for over 25 years:
- Groups meet for 90 minutes over a nine-week period.
- Each group has two facilitators and up to eight participants.
Program Goals
Over the 9 weeks, participants are guided to:
- Accept the reality of the loss
- Experience the pain of grief
- Adjust to life without the deceased
- Find a way to carry your deceased loved one in your heart as you embark on the rest of your journey through life
Fall 2024 New Day Program
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys, Brookfield
Date: September 12 – November 7
Time: Thursday afternoons 2:00 – 3:30 pm
St. Michael the Archangel, Greenwich
Date: September 16 – November 25
No sessions: October 14 & November 11
Time: Monday evenings 6:30 – 8:00 pm
St. Leo, Stamford
Date: October 1 – November 26
Time: Tuesday mornings 10:00 – 11:30 am
Church of the Assumption, Westport
Date: October 2 – December 4
No session: November 27
Time: Wednesday afternoons 2:00 – 3:30 pm
St. Peter’s Church (in Spanish), Bridgeport
Limited Space Available
Date: October 2 – December 4
No session: November 27
Time: Wednesday evenings 7:00 – 8:30 pm
St. Catherine of Siena & St. Agnes, Riverside
Limited Space Available
Date: October 2 – December 4
Time: Wednesday mornings 10:00 – 11:30 am
St. Thomas More, Darien
Date: October 9 – December 18
No session: November 27 and December 4
Time: Wednesday evenings 6:30 – 8:00 pm
The Fairfield County Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of Bridgeport underwrite all the costs associated with this ministry.
If you do not have internet access, please call Carolyn Killian at 203-404-0023.
Additional sessions will be announced as they are scheduled.
Program Inquiry Form
Daily Healing Journey
A daily email offering reflections on loss, grief and memories to help you through your “Healing Journey”.
What They’re Saying about The New Day Program:
“I just want to let people know that support is out there and it’s ok to open your heart and let people in because you can trust and have faith in this wonderful group ‘NEW DAY’”
“My experience as a participant in New Day was emotionally surprising and freeing. I was ‘surprised’ by the emotions brought on from what I thought were long-forgotten memories, but, were memories that had somehow retreated into my subconscious. The ‘freeing’ aspect came via the mutual support from the group. Not only were they always willing to listen to me, but they also offered me words of encouragement and shared similar experiences that reinforced I was not alone in my grief journey. To sit ‘unjudged’ amidst your peers after recounting emotional episodes from your personal life can be ‘freeing.’”
“When my husband died suddenly 20 years ago, I was adrift in a painful fog with no sense of a way out. Family and friends wanted to help, but they couldn’t negotiate this new territory for me. New Day was a God send. Through caring facilitators, courageous participants, and the grace of God, I was able to develop strategies to help me find my way through my grief to solid ground. The process wasn’t easy or quick, but it felt so good to have a path and to be able to exert even a small measure of control. And in subsequent losses, those strategies have sustained me over and over again with hope and help.”
“I wish I had the words to accurately describe how meaningful it has been for me to be part of a “New Day” support group. I personally experienced a journey of love and support centered in faith. The most beautiful part of this experience was watching a room of “strangers” evolve into a “family” in only nine short weeks. New Day has been a tremendous blessing to me personally and a true comfort and haven to me. I am so grateful to have been a part of my group.”