St John Cemetery, Norwalk CT
223 Richards Ave
Norwalk, CT 06850
Office Hours:
M-F: 9:00am-4:00pm
1st & 3rd Sat: 9:00am-noon
Cemetery Visitor Hours:
Cemetery grounds are open to the public from dawn to dusk.
Nestled in a quiet location off the Post Road (Rt.1) in Norwalk, Connecticut St. John Cemetery is the final resting place for thousands of friends, neighbors, and family members from the greater Norwalk area. With almost 60 acres of peaceful, flat, tree lined roads, ponds and rivers, it is a popular walking area with area residents. Popular sections of the cemetery include the Priest’s Circle where local deceased clergy are interred and the Military section where 360+ servicemen and women rest.
Famous People Buried at St. John Cemetery, Norwalk
St. John Cemetery is the final resting for two former US Congressmen who both served as the Mayor Norwalk and a Medal of Honor recipient. Jeremiah Donovan was a Connecticut State Representative, US Congressman and Mayor of Norwalk from 1917– 21. Likewise, Donald Irwin was a US Congressman, Connecticut State Treasurer and Mayor of Norwalk from 1971-75. PFC Daniel John Shea received the Medal of Honor for saving several men wounded in an ambush in Vietnam. Shea served as a medic and was mortally wounded at the age of 22. There are many more stories to be discovered during your walk through the cemetery so please stop by the office for a map of the grounds.
Advanced (Pre-need) Burial Planning
Advanced (Pre-need) burial planning should be considered an important part of your financial and retirement planning. We suggest everyone takes the time to prepare for their burial plans.
Contact our cemetery family advisors about advanced planning, burial rights/options, purchasing tombstones, gravestones, or headstones, and touring the cemetery.
We are here to answer your questions and help you plan/manage the difficult and emotional task of burying your loved ones.
Contact Our Family Advisor
Or call: (203) 742-1518