March 8, 2024
“These spontaneous moments of spiritual reunion with a deceased loved one can fill us with immediate joy and leave us with an inner knowing that lasts a lifetime.”
— Bill Guggenheim
Back in the 1980s, the late Bill Guggenheim and his former wife Judy began researching what became known as “after-death communication” or ADC, which they described as “A spiritual experience that occurs when someone is contacted directly and spontaneously by a deceased family member or friend. An ADC is a direct experience because no intermediary or third party such as a psychic, a medium, or a hypnotist is involved.”
Their research lasted seven years, during which time they collected some 3,300 firsthand accounts by interviewing 2,000 people in every state and 10 provinces of Canada.
Bill said: “These people are from all walks of life and represent diverse social, educational, occupational, and economic backgrounds. They range in age from an 8-year-old boy to a 92-year-old widower.” What they had in common was they believed a deceased loved one had contacted them.
This project led to the publication of their book, “Hello From Heaven!” which is still in print in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. The couple were the first to explore the phenomenon of after-death communication, and their work led to other studies in the field.
The 353 accounts of after-death communication, which they shared in their book, led them to several conclusions: There is evidence of life after death; those who are bereaved are given comfort and support; we will be reunited with loved ones who have died; and after-death communications provide inner peace and hope for those who grieve.
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